Your Author Dashboard
Can't remember where to order author copies?
Want easy access to attend the Monthly Author's Impact Mastermind?
Can't find the link to submit your chapter?
All of that AND MORE is available here on the Authors Dashboard. Scroll through to see what's here and take advantage of everything we have to offer. With Action Takers Publishing, your book is just the start.
We are about way more than just books.
We're here to give you exposure, to help you be seen and heard, to get your message into the world on a greater scale.
Have you ever thought of putting together your OWN collaborative book showcasing YOUR community while helping them become bestselling authors? Let Action Takers Publishing do all of the work, you take all of the credit, AND make some money while you're at it.
Book a meeting with Lynda Sunshine West, Founder & CEO of Action Takers Publishing, and discover how to turn this idea into a reality.
Are you feeling lost or overwhelmed with the Author Journey process? Are you having writer's block?
Need some assistance with writing your book or brainstorming your chapter?
Book a meeting with Sally Green, VP of Author Development, to help you get through any challenges you're having.
Purchase copies of your book
at a special author discount!
Take advantage of discounted rates on any multi-author collaboration books by Action Takers Publishing.
Author copies can be ordered at any time before, during or after your book's launch. Order today and your books will be shipped FIRST!!
Exciting interview opportunities are here, and we've lined them up just for you! Ever dreamed of being interviewed by podcasters and show hosts?
Well, now's your chance.
Don't let this golden opportunity slip away.
Share your story, promote your book, and let the world know what you have to offer.
Remember to bookmark the interview page! 📌
Click the button below to uncover all the details.
Let's make your book launch unforgettable!
Monthly Meet the Authors & Publisher Networking Event
Hosted by Action Takers Publishing, this monthly networking event takes place on the
first Sunday of each month at
6 pm Pacific / 9 pm Eastern on Zoom
and the third Monday of each month at
9 am Pacific / 12 noon Eastern on Zoom
Meet authors from all of the Action Takers Books. This is a great opportunity to connect with like-minded people.
Invite a friend to join! Send them this link to register:
Register to get reminders!

Do you have a Podcast or show and are looking for guests?
We are always on the lookout for podcasts and online shows to feature our authors. We have an incredible list of authors who would love to share their insights and stories. Click the button below, fill out the form and we will be in touch with you.
Join our Author Facebook Group >Click here<
Every book has a different word count. Check the chapter submission form to find your book's word count.
Your biography should not exceed 225 words, and you may add one call to action in your bio, not in your chapter.
FREE GIFT: (optional) If you have a consultation or free download lead magnet that you'd like to offer readers in order to capture their email addresses, be sure to include the information on the chapter submission form with a link to redeem it. If you have an affiliate program, include on the chapter submission form the link for Action Takers Publishing to sign up for your affiliate program.
Have a Question? Email: Support@ActionTakersPublishing.com